Care provision complaint form

Our staff are committed to providing quality care every day. Despite their best efforts, however, sometimes things are not exactly as you would expect.

Logo Familiehulp op groene achtergrond

How do I report a complaint?

1. Discuss it with the employee concerned:

That is usually the shortest route to information or a solution. Do you still feel as if your complaint has not been heard? Contact the regional office for further support.

2. Discuss with Familiehulp Ombudsman Service:
If contact with the staff member or the regional office does not lead to a sufficient solution or if you prefer a neutral and independent intervention, you can contact the ombudsman service. 

The ombudsman service has a mediating role and therefore does not take a position itself. 
More information can be found in the domestic regulations.


Free phone number ombudsman service:


available Monday, Thursday and Friday from 9 am to 12.30 pm

Online form ombudsman service: 

Postal address: 

Familiehulp - Ombudsdienst, 
Hélène Dutrieuxlaan 10/001, 9051 Gent

3. Contact the Government:

If you are not satisfied after the ombudsman's intervention, you can contact Department of Health Care.

Government phone number: 

02 553 35 09

Government email address:

Government postal address: 

Department of Care, Residential Care Unit, Home Care Team, 
Koning Albert II-laan 15 bus 497, 1210 Brussels